Shoulder Joint Pain When Lifting Arm? Don’t Suffer, Find Relief!

Did you know that about half of all diabetics face shoulder pain? This hidden struggle affects many people. Physiotherapy shows promise in easing discomfort for those with diabetes and shoulder pain. Read more on shoulder joint pain when lifting the arm.

Shoulder pain, especially when lifting the arm, is a widespread issue. It can disrupt daily life and activities. This guide offers in-depth insights into the causes, diagnosis, and treatments for such pain. You’ll explore shoulder joint anatomy, possible conditions, and ways to alleviate pain through physical therapy and other means. The aim is to help you manage your shoulder health and return to an active, pain-free lifestyle.

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Key Takeaways

  • Shoulder pain when lifting the arm can be caused by several conditions, such as rotator cuff injuries, tendinitis, bursitis, and arthritis.
  • Getting the right diagnosis and treatments, often including physical therapy, is essential for relief.
  • Simple self-care like keeping good posture, stretching, and strengthening can also prevent and manage shoulder pain.
  • If shoulder pain doesn’t improve or gets worse, seeing a healthcare provider or physical therapist is important.
  • For people with diabetes and shoulder pain, physiotherapy can be very effective in increasing mobility and reducing discomfort.

Understanding Shoulder Joint Pain

The shoulder is a very flexible joint. It lets you move your arm in many ways. But this flexibility means it’s easy to hurt your shoulder. It has three main bones: the humerus, clavicle, and scapula. These are connected by muscles, tendons, and ligaments. All these parts work together for your arm’s motion.

Anatomy of the Shoulder Joint

This joint is special – it’s a ball-and-socket type. That means your arm can move a lot. The rotator cuff helps a lot. It’s four muscles that keep your shoulder steady. Knowing about the shoulder’s structure helps find out why you feel pain when you lift your arm.

Common Causes of Shoulder Pain

Some common reasons for shoulder pain include rotator cuff injuries, shoulder impingement, tendinitis, bursitis, and osteoarthritis. If the rotator cuff gets pinched, it causes pain. This is what shoulder impingement is. Tendinitis and bursitis can also hurt your shoulder. Lastly, osteoarthritis makes the joint stiff and painful.

It’s important to know what might be wrong with your shoulder. This helps doctors figure out how to treat the pain. Finding the cause can help people feel better when they lift their arms.

Diagnosing the Source of Your Shoulder Joint Pain When Lifting Arm

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Finding why your shoulder hurts when you lift your arm is key to the right fix. Your doctor starts by checking you over. They look at how much your shoulder moves, its strength, and if it’s tender or swollen.
They might also get X-rays, do an MRI, or a sonogram to see inside your shoulder better. Your past injuries or health issues matter too. With these details, your medical team can plan a treatment just for you. This way, they tackle the real reason for your pain and help you feel better.

Tests that give images can nail down what’s causing your shoulder pain. X-rays help spot any bone issues like arthritis. MRIs and sonograms are great for looking at the softer parts, such as the rotator cuff or bursa.
These tests can show if you’ve hurt your rotator cuff, or if it’s something else like tendinitis or bursitis. Knowing the problem is the first step to treating it.

Your doctor might also ask about the pain – where it is and how bad, what makes it worse, and what helps. This, along with test results, helps them figure out the pain’s source. Then, they can come up with a plan to get you moving again.

Rotator Cuff Injuries and Shoulder Impingement

rotator cuff injury

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Rotator cuff injuries are a top cause of shoulder pain. They happen when one or more of the four tendons and muscles in the shoulder get hurt. This can cause pain, weakness, and less arm movement. Another issue, shoulder impingement, also makes the shoulder hurt. It’s when these tendons get squeezed between the bones of the shoulder.

Symptoms of Rotator Cuff Injuries

If you have a rotator cuff injury, you might feel a constant, dull ache in your shoulder. It could be hard to raise your arm over your head. The pain might get worse when you use your arm. You could also see some swelling and feel tenderness at the front of your shoulder. It might hurt a bit even when you’re not using your arm. Sometimes, you might feel pain in your arm, see sudden pain when you lift something heavy, or have trouble sleeping because of the pain.

Treatment Options for Rotator Cuff Injuries

Treatments for rotator cuff injuries include physical therapy and pills to reduce inflammation. For serious cases, surgery might be needed. But, doctors usually try other things first. They might recommend resting, using certain medications, physical therapy, and in some cases, injections. If these don’t help, then surgery could be an option to make space for the rotator cuff.

Tendonitis and Bursitis

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Swelling of the tendons and bursae makes the shoulder hurt when you raise your arm. Issues like shoulder tendonitis and bursitis make this happen.

Calcific Tendonitis and Calcific Periarthritis

Calcific tendonitis means hard calcium forms in your tendons, causing a lot of shoulder pain. Sometimes, this calcium gets in the joint, leading to even more pain.

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Subacromial Bursitis

Subacromial bursitis is when the bursa under your shoulder blade is swollen. It’s a big reason why your shoulder hurts when you lift your arm. This problem also makes it hard to lift your arm high.

Biceps Tendonitis

Biceps tendonitis is inflammation where your biceps connect to the shoulder. It also makes raising your arm painful.

Treatments for these issues usually involve rest, icing, and anti-inflammatory medicines. Physical therapy is often included too. These treatments help by fixing the shoulder’s mechanics and reducing inflammation. This way, people can lift their arms without pain again.

Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)

frozen shoulder - shoulder joint pain when lifting arm

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Frozen shoulder, or adhesive capsulitis, means your shoulder moves less because the joint capsule tightens and scars. This causes a lot of shoulder stiffness and trouble moving your arm up.

Causes and Symptoms of Frozen Shoulder

The exact reasons for a frozen shoulder are not fully known. However, it’s often seen in people with diabetes, thyroid problems, and those with recent shoulder injuries or surgeries. It goes through three stages: freezing (you feel more pain and are less able to move), frozen (very stiff with no movement), and thawing (slowly getting better).

Treatment for Frozen Shoulder

Dealing with a frozen shoulder usually includes exercises, shots of steroids, or sometimes surgery to free up the joint capsule. The good news is, that most people get better within 1 to 3 years with the right care. But, if you have diabetes, getting your shoulder to move again might take longer.

Osteoarthritis and the Shoulder Joint

shoulder osteoarthritis - shoulder joint pain when lifting arm

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Osteoarthritis is a type of joint disease. It can affect the shoulder joint. This makes it painful to lift your arm. When the protective cartilage in your shoulder joint wears away, the bones can start to rub together. This leads to pain, stiffness, and less ability to move your arm.

Symptoms of Shoulder Osteoarthritis

If you have shoulder osteoarthritis, you might feel a dull ache. Reaching overhead or behind your back could be hard and pain may get worse with activity. You might also hear or feel crepitus. This is when your shoulder makes grinding, clicking, or cracking sounds.

Managing Shoulder Osteoarthritis

Treating shoulder osteoarthritis often combines simple steps. This includes physical therapy, anti-inflammatory meds, and keeping a healthy weight. These steps aim to lessen joint stress. In extreme situations, doctors might suggest shoulder replacement surgery. This can help ease pain and improve your shoulder’s movement.

Shoulder Joint Pain When Lifting Arm Due to Other Conditions

referred shoulder pain - shoulder joint pain when lifting arm

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Shoulder pain might not always come from direct shoulder issues. For instance, it could be linked to health problems that aren’t in the shoulder. It’s important to know this for the right treatment and to fix the main cause of pain.

Polymyalgia Rheumatica

Polymyalgia rheumatica is an issue seen mainly in people over 50. It causes pain and stiffness in muscles, especially in the shoulders and hips. This can make it hard to move your arms up to shoulder level.

Referred Neck Pain

Neck problems can make your shoulder hurt instead. Issues like a pinched nerve in your neck can lead to shoulder discomfort. It’s vital to find and treat the actual neck problem to get rid of shoulder pain.

Lung Conditions

Some lung problems could cause shoulder pain too. Diseases like lung cancer or pneumonia might irritate a nerve that spreads around your shoulder. Knowing about this link helps in getting the right medical help.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis doesn’t just affect the hands and feet. It can make the shoulder painful too. It causes the joint to stiffen and swell, making it hard to lift your arm. Managing this condition is crucial to easing shoulder pain.

Pinpointing the real cause of shoulder pain is essential for proper treatment. By understanding different factors that can cause it, doctors can create a better plan. This can help get your shoulder back to normal and lower the pain.

Physical Therapy for Shoulder Joint Pain Relief

physical therapy for shoulder pain

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Physical therapy is key in treating pain when you lift your arm. A therapist checks your movement, strength, and any sore spots. Then, they create a special plan just for you. This plan might include hands-on work, exercises, and things like ultrasound to help.

Personalized Evaluation and Treatment Plan

Your therapist will also teach you how to move to avoid more shoulder issues. Fixing what causes your pain and making your shoulder stronger can help you use your arm better.

Exercises and Techniques for Shoulder Pain Relief

For shoulder pain, you’ll do certain exercises and methods. These are made for your needs. Some of these include stretches like across-the-chest or doorway shoulder stretches.

  • Across-the-chest stretch (do each side 3–5 times)
  • Neck release exercise (do each side 3–5 times)
  • Chest expansion exercise (hold for up to 30 seconds, repeat 3–5 times)
  • Eagle arms spinal rolls (1 minute, switch sides)
  • Seated twist exercise (do each side 3–5 times, hold 30 seconds)
  • Shoulder circles (5 times each way, 2–3 times a day)
  • Doorway shoulder stretch (do 2–3 times on each side, hold 30 seconds)
  • Downward Dog Pose (hold for up to 1 minute)
  • Child’s Pose (hold for up to 5 minutes)
  • Thread the needle pose (hold for up to 30 seconds on each side)

Therapists might also offer massage, acupuncture, and other techniques to ease pain and boost your shoulder health.

Prevention and Self-Care for Shoulder Joint Pain

Shoulder problems can sometimes not be avoided, but there’s much we can do to feel better. Good posture and following the right shoulder position at work or home activities reduce stress on the joint. Plus, doing shoulder stretches and shoulder strengthening exercises, as your therapist suggests, keeps the shoulder stable and mobile.

Posture and Ergonomics

How you sit or work makes a big difference in avoiding shoulder pain. Stay alert that you’re not slumping or leaning forward. Keep your shoulders down and relaxed. Ensure your seat or desk is helping you sit or stand straight, which cuts down on repeatedly lifting your arms overhead.

Stretching and Strengthening Exercises

Keeping your shoulders moving well and strong is key. Go for shoulder stretches and shoulder strengthening exercises regularly. A therapist can guide you to do exactly what your shoulders need, focusing on improving motion and strength, and not causing any more pain.

Resting and Icing Inflamed Shoulders

If you’re feeling sharp shoulder pain, it’s time to rest and let the shoulder calm down. Use ice packs on it for 20 minutes, a few times a day. This eases swelling and ache. Start moving again gently once the pain isn’t as sharp.

Caring for your shoulder matters a lot. By doing shoulder self-care, you can stop long-term issues and keep your arm’s lifting ability pain-free.


Shoulder pain from lifting your arm can disrupt your life. There are good ways to fix it. You need to know what’s causing your pain, like a rotator cuff issue or arthritis. Then, get the right treatment from a doctor and do physical therapy.

Remember, you can take steps to care for your shoulders too. This includes doing special exercises and avoiding activities that might hurt them. By being careful and getting help early, you can keep your shoulders healthy and free from pain.

I have shoulder pain that won’t go away. It’s time to see a doctor. They can set up a plan to help you feel better. Getting professional advice is crucial. It helps you manage pain and get back to enjoying life to the fullest.


What is the most common cause of shoulder joint pain when lifting the arm?

A rotator cuff injury is often the top cause. This can be tendinitis or a tear in these muscles.

What are some other potential causes of shoulder joint pain when lifting the arm?

Some other common reasons are shoulder impingement and bursitis. Also, frozen shoulder and shoulder osteoarthritis can be caused.

How do healthcare providers diagnose the underlying cause of shoulder joint pain?

Your doctor will check your shoulder and see how far you can move it. They might use X-rays, MRI, or ultrasound to look inside your shoulder.

What are the symptoms of a rotator cuff injury?

A dull ache and trouble lifting your arm are signs. The pain gets worse when you use your arm.

How is a rotator cuff injury typically treated?

Treatments can include physical therapy and medicine to reduce the swelling. In bad cases, surgery might be needed to fix the tendons.

What is frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) and how is it treated?

A frozen shoulder means your shoulder moves less and hurts because the joint capsule is tight. Treatment may also include steroid shots or surgery to loosen the capsule.

How can physical therapy help with shoulder joint pain when lifting the arm?

Physical therapy is important for shoulder pain. It helps improve how your shoulder moves and makes the muscles stronger. Therapists also teach you how to move in ways that don’t hurt.

What steps can individuals take to prevent shoulder joint pain when lifting the arm?

Good posture and working in a way that doesn’t strain your shoulders are crucial. Regular exercise and giving your shoulder a break when it hurts can also prevent pain.

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